July 21, 2011

Squidoo Blog-hop: Interactive Content

Hello, and welcome fellow Squido Lensmasters! For those who aren't travelling here by blog hop and don't know what Squidoo is, it's just a place where you can make nifty little web pages about any topic you choose, and maybe earn a little money for yourself or a charity in the process.

Last week I started a new interactive lens, The Daily Disaster Log for Parents....which I shared with you all on the hop.    It's already gotten a bunch of log entries, and even more people taking the polls!  AND, there's been hits from Facebook and Stumbleupon, even though I haven't  shared it on either of those places yet...which means other people are sharing it!  Feels good!

Past lenses I've tried to make more interactive haven't worked out so well...

On previous lenses it was like pulling teeth trying to get people to participate, and a lot of the participation I did get was spam.  I used to put plexos on nearly every lens...but I've gone back and removed a lot of those because of the spam and how hard they were to moderate.   You actually have to go into the lens and open up and edit that plexo module to moderate submissions.  I REALLY wish they let you moderate submissions from your dashboard like they do with guestbook comments!   (It's why I made the log on the disaster list out of a comment module, not a text plexo). 

One lens made of mainly interactive content I'm wondering what to do with now.  It's a lens for Work at Home Mom (WAHM) sales and coupons.  I was getting a lot of spam unrelated to the topic and it got to hard babysitting the plexos.  I don't even really list my own sales there anymore.

After previous conversations on the hop, I've decided not to just delete it.  I  found out that you can transfer your lenses to other people., and I'm really thinking of doing that with this. If anyone here is interested in taking this lens off my hand, please let me know.

(Oh, and I started a thread for Interactive Lenses on the Squidu Forums ...so if you have an interactive lens, stop by and join in!)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the spam issues and with that coupon lens. So far I've had few spam issues to deal with, thankfully!

    I don't have any interactive lenses, yet, just interactive modules within content lenses. If I do create one, and I'm sure eventually I shall, I'll let you know. Visited your forum link, just as a lurker, though.
