July 23, 2010

Aloha Friday - Wedding Dresses

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. Every Friday (well, ok, almost every Friday) I ask a simple question for you to answer--nothing that requires a lengthy response. 

Here's my question....
Do you still have your wedding dress? If not, what did you do with it (Sell it? Donate it? Make it into a really fancy tablecloth?)

For married guys...Does your wife still have her wedding dress? For single ladies...Do you think you'ld keep your wedding dress or sell it after you got married? For single guys...uh...hmmm...I got nothing, sorry.

Please leave your answer in a comment below. 

For my answer to this question, go here (it's kinda a fun story).

If you have a blog and would like to post your own question you can leave your link at An Island Life.


  1. My wedding dress is at my parent's house. I never had it preserved since it cost SO much money.

  2. Oh yes I have been married 33 years and I still have my dress hanging in my vintage sewing room.
    I do not know why, My daughter surely will not want to wear it.
    My AF link for you

  3. I have mine. Not sure anyone wants it..

    Have a great Friday!

  4. Mine is still at my MILs in another state. She better not sell it!

  5. Yes, I kept mine and it is hanging in the closet :)
